Unlocking the Power of CTV and Advanced TV Advertising with Cadent and Catalina

By: Andrew Horlick, VP, Channel Partnerships at Cadent

In today's ever-evolving media landscape, marketers are constantly seeking innovative ways to drive results and maximize return on advertising spend (ROAS). While digital, social, and other channels have proven effective, incorporating advanced TV – connected TV (CTV) and data-driven linear TV – into your media mix can provide a significant boost to campaign performance. In this blog post, we will explore how Cadent, in partnership with Catalina, is revolutionizing TV advertising, making it targeted, measurable, and highly impactful for CPG marketers.

Understanding Today’s TV Advertising Landscape

TV advertising is in a constant state of change, but in recent years, we have seen this evolution come to a hilt: converged TV is here, and savvy marketers know they must adapt to succeed. Yet while CPG marketers are tackling this new cross-screen approach head-on, they face several obstacles.
Common challenges for CPG marketers include:

  • Finding your audience without wasting ad dollars
  • Targeting lapsed or competitive shoppers
  • Retargeting shoppers who may need an incentive to buy

These problems will continue to grow as fragmentation of viewership increases, but there are solutions they can implement to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their TV ad campaigns.

The Growing Opportunity of CTV Advertising

As consumer viewership continues to shift towards CTV, the potential for marketers to leverage this channel has skyrocketed. So, with nearly 50% of viewership now occurring on CTV platforms, and the demand for performance-driven solutions at an all-time high, marketers need to make their investments in this channel work harder and smarter. Recognizing this opportunity, Cadent and Catalina have combined forces to deliver premium CTV advertising solutions at scale.

By leveraging Catalina’s deep consumer insights and in-store shopper data and layering it with Cadent’s TV advertising expertise and powerful Aperture Platform, marketers can extend their strategy seamlessly, reaching consumers on the screens and devices they use most. This end-to-end approach allows for better targeting, personalization, and campaign effectiveness.

Unlocking Measurement for Cross-Screen Marketers

Traditionally, TV advertising has been challenging to measure, making it difficult to assess its true impact on campaign performance. However, through Aperture Viewer Graph and Catalina’s shopper insights, CPG advertisers can now achieve an unprecedented degree of measurability, allowing them to optimize campaign performance like never before. This breakthrough is particularly relevant for brands heavily invested in couponing, as well as targeting and measurement for their other media channels.

The Power of a Portfolio Approach

Taking a step back, it’s important to note that CPG brands rarely focus on a single product. Instead, there is often a portfolio of similar or related items within the brand, created to meet a variety of consumer needs. Consider Applegate, a brand best known for their organic deli meats. However, Applegate also offers a wide range of products including sausage, hot dogs, burgers, bacon, breaded chicken and more.

Similarly, Catalina's expertise extends beyond their long-standing couponing solution; they are a digital activation company focused on driving consumer engagement. When paired with Cadent's TV advertising technology and seamless data enablement, this collaboration offers CPG marketers an innovative portfolio approach. Leveraging Cadent and Catalina’s joint solution, Applegate has promoted its hot dogs, sausage, and chicken nuggets to existing customers through targeted TV campaigns, driving sales and increasing customer loyalty.

By strategically incentivizing customers to explore and purchase related products within a brand's family, advertisers can increase overall sales and customer affinity.

__Next Steps __

The partnership between Cadent and Catalina has transformed the TV advertising landscape for CPG marketers, making it an essential and highly measurable component of a successful advertising strategy. By capitalizing on the explosive growth of CTV viewership, the unique capabilities of Cadent Aperture Platform, and Catalina’s real-time shopper insights, marketers can reach their target audiences with precision, drive sales, and increase ROAS. Ultimately, incorporating TV into your media mix has never been more impactful. Partner with Cadent and Catalina to take your CPG marketing to new heights and unleash the full potential of CTV and data-driven linear TV advertising.

To learn more about this groundbreaking collaboration and how it can transform your CPG marketing efforts, reach out to Catalina and Cadent today.